Wraps – three ways

wraps three ways | Cloudburst Kitchen

So despite having a food blog, I actually have pretty bad eating habits. Being not a morning person, my breakfast often comes closer to lunchtime, and lunch kind of just turns into me snacking on weird food combinations until dinner time.

I still nowhere near meal prepping level of organisation yet, but I am trying to do better and instead of stuffing my face with cookies and hummus all day (not together!) I figured making a proper lunch could be step one of getting some sort of meal prep game.

So here’s 3 wrap recipes that are better than cheese and ham between sliced bread. Not that there’s anything wrong with a good old sandwhich, they are pretty darn great too. But yes these are better. They’re super versatile, super easy to make, and it’s a great way to use up that all that unloved stuff still sitting at the back of your fridge. And the contents don’t squidge out of the other side when you eat it. Unless you suck at the wrapping part, which I still kind of do. But here’s a good how-to-wrap if like me you haven’t got that part down yet.

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chickpea, pepper & carrot wraps | Cloudburst Kitchen
Chickpea, Carrot and Pepper Wrap

(dairy free, vegan)

1 carrot
1/2 pepper
1/2 can chickpeas
salt and pepper
optional: 1 tsp sumac

tahini sauce
2 tbsp tahini
1 1/2 tbsp water
1/2 tbsp lemon

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avocado, cucumber & mint wraps | Cloudburst Kitchen
Avocado, Cucumber and Mint Wrap

1/2 avocado
1/4 small cucumber
2 tbsp yoghurt
small handful of mint
salt and pepper

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tomato, spinach & feta wraps | Cloudburst Kitchen
Tomato, Spinach and Feta Wrap

5 cherry tomatoes/1 small tomato
handful of spinach
1/3 cup olives
1/3 cup feta
salt and pepper

For each wrap, chop all the ingredients. Place in the middle of the wrap and roll up.

For the tahini sauce: mix all the ingredients in a bowl until the consistency of double cream, adding more water if needed.