I’m on garden sitting duty at the moment. Part of the job description involves trying to use up the bounty of summer fruit that is coming in a seemingly never ending supply. Life. is. hard. We got strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, more raspberries and we’ve even still got some rhubarb coming through. And it’s the best super pink, sweet delicious kind. So after already making too many crumbles this year, I wanted to try something different, hello roasted rhubarb.

I realise I might be a bit late to the party with the rhubarb recipe, but since making it I have officially become obsessed with rhubarb + orange, so had to share! Seriously move over ginger, there’s a new rhubarb combo in town. I can’t even describe how perfectly well they go together, the flavours just melt together in this perfect gooey sweet, tangy heavenly deliciousness. You know when you make a recipe that just absolutely hits the spot, this is it!
But if you don’t happen to have a garden full of rhubarb which I’m assuming most of you don’t, then try this with roasted strawberries, which is maybe probably even better because, strawberries. Or even let yourself go crazy and mix the two together. I’ve added in recipes for both. Note: the strawberries don’t need the extra orange juice as they have quite a bit of juice in them anyway.
This is now going to be added to my list of cheat’s desserts that I use to impress people with, but that doesn’t actually take any effort. The only real recipe part here is roasting the fruit, which you can delegate to a 5 year old if you have one to hand. Once roasted, just add yoghurt, crumble over some biscuits and dessert is served.
Roasted Rhubarb and Strawberry Pots
Serves: 4
500g / 5-6 stalks of rhubarb
zest and juice of one orange
40g sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
roasted strawberries
500g strawberries
40g sugar
zest of one orange
1 tsp vanilla essence
800g / 3 cups greek yoghurt
3 ginger biscuits, crushed
Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan.
Rhubarb: Cut the rhubarb into large chunks. Put in an baking dish in a single layer. Add the sugar, vanilla, zest and juice of the orange juice, mix it up. Cover the dish with foil. Roast for 15mins covered, remove the foil and roast for another 10mins uncovered, until the rhubarb is tender, but not mushy.
Strawberries: Slice off the stems and cut in half. Add to a baking tray lined with baking paper. Add the sugar, vanilla and orange zest. Roast for 30mins.
Crumble up the biscuits. If you want to make pots put a layer of the biscuit at the bottom, add a layer of yoghurt on top and top with the rhubarb. Or you can simply just serve in a bowl.