Orange, Fennel and Avocado Salad | Cloudburst Kitchen

Orange, Fennel and Avocado Salad

Orange, Fennel and Avocado Salad | Cloudburst Kitchen

I’ve been having serious blood orange jealousy recently. Every time I see yet another blood orange recipe on my feed I have a little cry inside because I haven’t been able to find any! I’ve been looking for weeks, but apparently this small town I’m in don’t seem to think blood oranges are essential produce…which of course they totally are. But then when I had all but given up I had a last peek in the orange section and found some and did a little happy dance! Well ok they aren’t really blood oranges, red (I think?) but at this point they will absolutely do. Of course this salad also works with any type of orange. The orange fennel, avocado combo may be insta famous by now, but seriously you need to add some olives on top of this.

Orange, Fennel and Avocado Salad

Serves: 2
dairy free, gluten free, vegan

handful of lettuce
2 oranges
1 bulb of fennel
1 avocado
2 tbsp olive oil
small handful of olives
salt and pepper

Slice the fennel thinly. Tear the letture up, chop the orange and avocado into small chunks. Add all the ingredients to a bowl and drizzle over the olive oil. Mix well and serve.


  • The Modern Proper says:

    This salad looks so fresh and springy! I am so sorry that you haven’t been able to find blood oranges! That sounds like a complete tragedy, as they are my favorite citrus! Definitely going to have to try this salad out!

    • thefoodcollective says:

      Thanks!!! It was still great without them anyway 🙂 Thank you for the visit x