Cheese and Charcuterie Snackboard

How to make a simple snackboard

Cheese and Charcuterie Snackboard

I’ve been a bit MIA at the moment. But I’ve got the best get out of homework excuse. I’m getting married very very soon now and somehow I thought that 4 months was plenty of time to plan a wedding. For anyone ever thinking of attempting it, it isn’t. I thought doing a small backyard wedding would somehow save me from the years long planning that most weddings take, but as much as I don’t like to admit I’m wrong, I’ve learned there really is no such thing as a small wedding. Especially when you start turning into the bridezilla you’d never thought you’d be and start thinking dangerous but-I-just-want-it-to-be-perfect thoughts. And you know when you decide to cook all the food yourself! Yep, I’m currently in wedding cooking craze mode, cooking all day long while passing orders to the rest of the family for decor and supermarket runs…and wondering if I need therapy to figure out what kind of crazy person decides to cater their own wedding.

I haven’t given the groom much of any input food wise, I’m not sure he knows what the menu actually is. But he did make one specific request, well two actually. First was there must be a cheese board. Second he wanted one spicy dish, like probably too spicy for my mild taste dish. I might just leave him a bottle of hot sauce on the table. But the cheese board we can definitely have. We are getting married at my family home in France, so it only makes sense. Plus cheeseboard is my backup incase all the rest of the food goes wrong.

Cheese and Charcuterie Snackboard

Cheese and Charcuterie Snackboard

But I’ve never actually made a snack board of any type before. I have to admit I think my reluctance to make a snack board has been an inferiority complex to all the wonderful snackboard creations on instagram. They are sooo beautiful. The closest I’ve come to making a snackboard is adding some apple slices to my plate of cheese and crackers. This isn’t really going to cut it for this bridezilla’s wedding. So I had to do a practice run.

Cheese and Charcuterie Snackboard

Cheese and Charcuterie Snackboard

– How to create a snackboard –

for the novice snackboard creators

1 – Stalk all the snackboards on instagram. Create a snackboard collection and regularly oogle them.

2 – Realise there’s so much more to snackboarding than just cheese and crackers. Dips are a must have. Veggies for the dipping. Fruit. Nuts. Exotic veggies you’ve never heard of before.

3 – Realise that as amazing as these snackboards look, some of these things really aren’t practical for serving to a tiny army of guests. Pomegranates are great and all, but I don’t really see my guests mid afternoon trying to attack a pomegranate to get those pesky seeds out.

4 – Decide you only want things on the snackboard that people will actually eat, plus something simple(ish) to put together as you realise you’re already going to have a lot to do morning of the wedding.

5 – Buy all your favourite snacking things from the supermarket. Make a super simple hummus and tzatziki for dipping. Fill up a large board in a somewhat styled but not fancy way. Add some leftover frittata.

I think it turned out pretty good and am happy to report it is easier and quicker to make a great looking snackboard than I thought. They don’t need to have super exotic ingredients or over the top styling. Really if you fill up a board of food with tasty things to eat, you can’t go too wrong.

Seeing as I was home alone when creating this humungous-for-one person snackboard I had a lot of leftovers. Luckily the lovely people at Abeego sent me over some of their wax food wraps, so that I could wrap it all up for laters. I’m sure you must have heard about food wraps by now, the natural much better alternative to plastic wrap, but if you haven’t gone out and got them yet, what are you waiting for. I’m really making an effort to cut down on plastic use in my life recently and these have really helped. Especially after watching a programme about all our plastic usage so that I am now in a constant state of guilt over every single item of plastic I use. These are actually better than an alternative to plastic as they also breathe keeping your food fresher for well longer than it will take me to eat it all. So make sure you have these to hand for your next snackboard!