grapefruit & rocket salad | Cloudburst Kitchen

Grapefruit, Avocado and Rocket Salad

grapefruit & rocket salad | Cloudburst Kitchen
Have you heard, it’s citrus season! I have to admit it only fully clicked that citrus season was in winter a couple of months ago, when my mum proudly started picking lemons off her lemon tree. Ignoring the fact that this should have probably clicked a long time ago, it’s still seeming a bit strange to me as I thought oranges etc were a summer thing, right! But hey I love citrus more than the next person, so I am totally down with eating all my vitamin C now!

This is pretty much my all time favourite way to eat citrus in a salad. Now if you’ve never tried grapefruit in salad before, trust me, you should! As weird as it might initially sound, it somehow goes so perfectly with peppery rocket and sweet basil. Even though it looks extravagant this is super simple to put together.

grapefruit & rocket salad | Cloudburst Kitchen

Grapefruit and Rocket Salad

Serves: 2
dairy free, gluten free, vegan

140g rocket
1 grapefruit
1 avocado
bunch of basil leaves

2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp grapefruit juice
1 tsp maple syrup


Peel the grapefruit and divide into segments. If you want to impress carefully cut each segment open and remove the segment from the pith. Keep any juice leftover for the dressing.

Slice the avocado, place in a large bowl with the rocket, basil and grapefruit.

Mix together the olive oil, maple syrup and grapefruit juice. Pour over the salad and toss gently.

To impress top with edible flowers such as nasturtium.