Delicata Squash and Kale Quinoa with Roasted Hazelnuts

Delicata Squash and Kale Quinoa

Delicata Squash and Kale Quinoa with Roasted Hazelnuts
For the longest time I’ve been in a monogamous relationship with butternut squash. But I have a confession to make, I’ve recently been cheating on it with delicata. It wasn’t planned, it just happened. Post halloween I decided that I had to actually start eating some of the too many squash I had been hoarding round the house. Taking baby steps I decided to cut into the ugly duckling of my gourd clan and cut into the funny looking oblong one. I just about knew it was a delicata squash, but hadn’t actually tried it before. But as with everything, don’t let looks be deceiving, it’s what’s under the surface that counts. And under that soft delicata skin is a deliciously sweet, slightly nutty squash. Basically a vegetable that tastes like candy, so for a sweet tooth like me, it’s win win.

This recipe calls for kale, and you could use any type, but I do recommend you use tuscan kale aka cavalo nero. I’m actually not really a kale fan *shock horror*. It’s ok, I’ll eat it, but I find it a little tough. I did actually use some regular kale as there was a lot still growing in my mum’s garden. But I also mixed in some cavolo nero I had left from the farmers market. If you are not a kale fan like me try this variety, it’s my favourite dark leafy green. And of course it’s great for you as all dark leafy greens are.

I cooked this for my sister a couple of weeks ago while she was visiting and she’s been harassing me for the recipe since. Apparently cook all the ingredients and put a dressing on apparently wasn’t a good enough recipe. She wanted the little bit of this, little bit, making it up as I went along recipe that I didn’t write down. So back to the kitchen I went to try and re-create it. So this recipe is dedicated to my dear sister, hopefully this one is as good as the first.

Delicata Squash and Kale Quinoa with Roasted Hazelnuts

Delicata Squash and Kale Quinoa

Serves: 2 or 4 as a side
dairy free, gluten free, vegan, low fodmap
1 delicata squash
1 bunch / 200g cavolo nero/kale, chopped
1 cup quinoa
small handful hazelnuts
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp white wine vinegar
2 tsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp mustard
salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 200C.

Squash: Half the squash and remove the seeds. Slice into about 1/2cm thick slices. Lay on a baking tray and drizzle olive oil over. Roast for 20-25mins until slightly browned.

Hazelnuts: Roast the hazelnuts on a tray for 15mins.

Kale: In a medium pan bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Add the kale for 2mins, take out the kale out keeping the water.
Quinoa: Add the quinoa to the water, turn down the heat to a low simmer and cook for 15mins until all the water has absorbed.

Remove the hazelnuts from the oven when they are golden brown, keep an eye on them as they burn easy. Roughly chop the hazelnuts

Mix the dressing ingredients together. When the squash is done mix with the kale and quinoa, scatter over the hazelnuts and serve.