Spiced Chickpea & Tomato Soup with Carrots

Spiced Chickpea Tomato Soup

Spiced Chickpea & Tomato Soup with Carrots
Soup season has begun, and the weather here is definitely soup worthy. We’re getting some beautiful fall sunshine, but there is snow on top of the mountains and there is that chill in the air. I’m starting off with a super easy soup recipe. Ok this is barely recipe meal, since it’s basically just heating up a few ingredients. But hey, let’s just call it dinner inspiration instead. It’s tasty, and so quick you can have it ready in literally 5 mins. So although we could make this more complicated by making some version of proper tomato soup. I’m giving you my irl version that I made when I had a can of tomato sauce lying around.

Spiced Chickpea & Tomato Soup with Carrots

Spiced Chickpea & Tomato Soup with Carrots
Spiced Chickpea & Tomato Soup with Carrots
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– Spiced Chickpea Tomato Soup –

what you’ll need….
1 can tomato sauce
1 can chickpeas
2 carrots

1 tbsp olive oil
1 garlic clove
2 tsp coriander
1 tsp cumin
handful of parsley
flatbread to serve

Chop the carrots into small chunks. Heat oil in a pan to medium heat. Add the spices and garlic cook until fragrant. Add the tomato sauce, chickpeas and carrots, salt and pepper and simmer for 5 mins. Top with parsley and enjoy.


  • Irma Ortiz says:

    Thank you, this dish looks delicious. But I do not like cumin, the scent alone really bothers me. Can you please suggest a substitute?

    • thefoodcollective says:

      Thanks Irma! I can totally relate, I’m not the biggest cumin fan myself, I only like it in small doses. I would recommend maybe adding paprika, or 1/2 tsp ginger should both go well. Hope you enjoy it! xoxo