Celeriac and pear soup | Cloudburst Kitchen

Celeriac and Pear Soup

Celeriac and pear soup | Cloudburst Kitchen

Not exactly the prettiest vegetable, celeriac ends up underused in the kitchen, which is a shame. Underneath that ugly, nobbly skin is a creamy white flesh with an earthy, sweet, nutty flavour. It makes a naturally thick, creamy soup, with a hint of pears and rosemary that balances out the richness. This is perfectly comforting soup for winter.

Celeriac and pear soup | Cloudburst Kitchen

Celeriac and pear soup | Cloudburst Kitchen

Celeriac and pear soup

Serves: 4
dairy free, gluten free, vegan

1 celeriac
3 pears
1 onion
2 tbsp olive oil
1 ltr of stock

2 sprigs rosemary
salt & pepper


Peel and cut the celeriac and pears into large chunks, it can be easier to use a knife than a peeler. Roughly dice the onion.

Cook the onion in a large saucepan with the olive oil on medium heat for 5mins until soft.
Add the celeriac, pears, rosemary and stock. Bring to a boil, then turn down and simmer for 20mins until the celeriac is soft.

Remove from the heat, take out the rosemary and blend until smooth. Add a pinch of salt and pepper.