If you haven’t yet met the amazingness that is caramelized white chocolate, it’s time to get acquainted. It takes a little time, but is not too difficult to make and it is ohhh sooo worth it. CWC is made by slowly heating white chocolate in the oven where it slowly caramelizes into a rich creamy liquid gold. It tastes just as amazing as the mix between caramel and chocolate that you think it would.
CWC tips:
You want to use good quality white chocolate here, at least 30% cocoa butter, or try look for cocoa butter listed at the first ingredient if cocoa butter isn’t listed.
Make sure you are stirring the chocolate well after each 10mins before you spread it back into a layer. This helps mix the chocolate so that it caramelizes evenly and doesn’t burn.
The CWC cools to a solid at room temperature. It can be stored in a jar at room temperature for about 2 months and either chopped into chunks or reheated to a liquid depending on what you are using it for.
If your white chocolate goes completely grainy/chalky, don’t panic! Your oven may have been hot, or the chocolate may not have high enough cocoa butter, but it is totally redeemable, don’t throw that heavenly chocolate away. Simply add water a tablespoon at a time to the chocolate, making sure it’s still warm and blend it to combine, it should return to a smooth creamy state. If there are still some grainy bits in it, pass the chocolate through a sieve.